Masterarbeiten zur Datenanalyse
Thema: | First search for B0 → p anti-n ℓ ν at Belle II |
Zusammenfassung: | The persistent disagreement between inclusive and exclusive determinations of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element |Vub| limits the possibility to overconstrain the CKM unitarity triangle in efforts to test the Standard Model (SM). A well-established strategy to determine |Vub| is to use measurements of semileptonic B-meson decays with b → uℓν transitions. These relatively abundant decays offer theoretically clean avenues to perform precise measurements of SM parameters, due to the factorization of the leptonic and hadronic final states. However, a major challenge for determinations of |Vub| is suppressing the CKM-favoured B → Xcℓν background, which exhibits a similar experimental signature and is O(100) times more abundant than B → Xuℓν decays. The signal extraction process is further complicated by the known resonant states comprising only a third of the total inclusive branching fraction, while non-resonant contributions of B → Xuℓν remaining poorly understood. For these reasons, the B → Xuℓν modelling uncertainty is hard to quantify and becomes dominant for both inclusive and exclusive studies. Decays involving baryons have remained largely unmeasured and could potentially constitute a sizeable component of the total inclusive B → Xuℓν branching. A first measurement of B0 → p anti-nℓν decays, a mode only accessible at Belle II, would provide much needed input to reduce modelling uncertainties in future B → Xuℓν studies, increase our current understanding of b → uℓν transitions, and shed light on the possible reasons for the infamous inclusive/exclusive puzzle. |
Sie lernen kennen: | Python programming, machine learning, track reconstruction, algorithm optimization |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Raynette Van Tonder |
Letzte Änderung: | 14.02.2025 |
Thema: | Correlation of Beam Background and Accelerator Parameters with Detector Performance in the Belle II Experiment |
Zusammenfassung: | The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB accelerator faces significant challenges due to high beam background originating from the extreme accelerator conditions. They affect key performance metrics such as tracking efficiency and calorimeter photon energy resolution. This project aims to investigate the impact of beam background on detector performance. We currently use two proxies to measure the level of beam background: out-of-time crystals (photons detected outside the expected timing window) and extra CDC hits (additional drift chamber hits not used by any tracking algorithm). The primary goal is to improve these proxies by applying anomaly detection techniques, specifically autoencoders, to identify anomalous beam conditions that correlate with performance degradation. Both simulation and real data from Belle II will be used for model training. Additionally, the project will incorporate time series data from the SuperKEKB accelerator, including thousands of sensor readings and accelerator parameters, to correlate operational conditions with fluctuations in detector performance. The first stage of this project involves developing a more precise method for measuring beam background and analyzing how accelerator conditions affect the performance of the Belle II detector. The final stage aims to identify key accelerator parameters from SuperKEKB data in order to define operational margins that ensure sufficient performance of the experiment. |
Sie lernen kennen: | Python programming, data analysis |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber |
Ansprechpartner: | Jonas Eppelt |
Letzte Änderung: | 03.02.2025 |
Thema: | Search for dark photons and axionlike particles in single-photon events at Belle II |
Zusammenfassung: | Belle II is a world-leading experiment in the search for dark sector candidates in the GeV range, such as dark photons or axion-like particles (ALPs). Invisibly decaying or long-lived dark photons and ALPs give rise to events with a single, monochromatic photon in the event, a unique and very challenging experimental signature. You will join our team our team to work on this search, which is currently focused on on-shell dark photons, with the aim of extending it to so-called off-shell (heavy) dark photons and ALPs. You will learn how to use tools for generating simulated datasets with Monte Carlo techniques and for statistical analysis. |
Sie lernen kennen: | Python programming, data analysis, statistics |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Giacomo De Pietro |
Letzte Änderung: | 02.02.2025 |
Thema: | Search for long-lived dark photons decaying into visible final states at Belle II |
Zusammenfassung: | Among all the dark sector searches, the Belle II experiment has a unique sensitivity to a weakly coupled dark photon whose decays have a displaced vertex. You will start a new search for long-lived dark photons decaying into a pair of muons, pions, kaons and, more challenging, electrons, with the aim of exploring previously unexplored parameters’ space. You will learn how to characterise the detector performance for the reconstruction of displaced vertices and use tools for statistical analysis. |
Sie lernen kennen: | Python programming, data analysis, statistics |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Giacomo De Pietro |
Letzte Änderung: | 31.01.2025 |
Thema: | Search for B+→l nu gamma at Belle II |
Zusammenfassung: | The radiative leptonic decay B+ -> l+nu gamma yields important information for the theoretical predictions of non-leptonic B meson decays into light-meson pairs. The emission of the photon probes the first inverse moment λ_B of the light-cone distribution amplitude (LCDA) of the B meson. This parameter is a vital input to QCD factorisation schemes for the non-perturbative calculation of non-leptonic B meson decays. This project aims to observe the B+→l+nu gamma decay for the first time and set an improved limit on λ_B using modern machine learning analysis techniques. |
Sie lernen kennen: | python programming, data analysis |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Pablo Goldenzweig |
Letzte Änderung: | 02.02.2025 |
Thema: | Search for Bs→φπ0 decays at Belle |
Zusammenfassung: | The Belle experiment, which concluded in 2011, collected a unique sample of Υ(5S) decays to Bs meson pairs in the clean e+e- collision environment. This dataset has yet to be fully exploited. The rare decay Bs→φπ0 is strongly suppressed in the Standard Model and has yet to be observed. However, in a theoretical analysis motivated by the Kπ CP-puzzle, models with modified or additional Z bosons allow for an increase of the branching fraction by an order of magnitude without inconsistencies with other measurements. The Kπ CP-puzzle consists of an unexpectedly large direct CP asymmetry in the decays B± → K±π0 and B0 → K±π∓. These decays are dominated by isospin-conserving processes, but have a small contribution from isospin-violating penguin processes as well. In the isospin-violating decay Bs→φπ0 the penguin processes dominate, which means that potential NP contributions can have a much larger relative effect. If these contributions exist, an observation of the Bs→φπ0 decay may be possible with the Belle Υ(5S) dataset. |
Sie lernen kennen: | python programming, data analysis |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Pablo Goldenzweig |
Letzte Änderung: | 02.02.2025 |
Thema: | Bs→K+ l- nu with Y(5S) using machine learning-based Full Event Interpretation |
Zusammenfassung: | There are two conceptually different methods to determine the CKM matrix element Vub, a factor in the amplitude of transitions from a b-quark to a u-quark and a W boson. As quarks cannot be detected directly, one has to handle the hadronisation to infer Vub, even in the simplest case, where the W boson decays into a charged lepton and a neutrino. One method, which is easier to calculate but is experimentally more challenging, takes into account all possible final states that typically occur during the hadronisation process (inclusive measurement). The other involves calculating the hadronisation effects and searching for only a single final state, e.g., B0->pi-l+nu (exclusive measurement). Both approaches have been pursued and the result is a tantalizing 3sigma discrepancy between the measurements of the same quantity Vub. By measuring Bs->K-l+nu we can shed light on the possible reasons or sources for this, as we replace the spectator d quark in B0->pi-l+nu with an s quark. Since the calculation of the hadronisation in the exclusive measurement relies on Lattice QCD, the kaon in the final state simplifies the calculation significantly. A result close to the existing exclusive measurement would strengthen the trust in that measurement and could hint to new particles beyond the Standard Model. A result closer to the inclusive measurement would more likely be interpreted as a hint that the calculations for the exclusive measurement are unreliable and that the inclusive measurement gives the real value of Vub. This will constitute a first measurement of the rare Bs→K-l+nu decay by employing a modern machine learning-based algorithm to reconstruct the full Y(5S) event for the first time. |
Sie lernen kennen: | machine learning, python programming, data analysis |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Pablo Goldenzweig |
Letzte Änderung: | 02.02.2025 |
Thema: | Search for Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Bosons |
Zusammenfassung: | Together with the research groups Klute/Quast/Wolf at ETP we search for the production of two Higgs bosons within the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM). Specifically, the decays of the two Higgs bosons into a pair of tau leptons and a pair of bottom quarks are of great interest to us. This analysis offers possibilities for contributions of Master students in object reconstruction, machine learning, and interesting analysis of CMS data in general. |
Sie lernen kennen: | BSM Higgs physics, data analysis, Python programming, C++ programming, machine learning |
Referent: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann, Prof. Markus Klute |
Ansprechpartner: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann |
Letzte Änderung: | 16/01/2025 |
Thema: | Search for Dark Matter in Association with Heavy Quarks |
Zusammenfassung: | Deciphering the nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. At particle accelerators, DM can be produced and studied in a controlled laboratory environment. We are conducting a search for DM using the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (CERN), studying final states with top and bottom quarks and missing energy. In your Master's thesis, you can improve this search with the most recent CMS data and new analysis methods. |
Sie lernen kennen: | Physics beyond the standard model, data analysis, machine learning, Python programming, C++ programming, ROOT, statistical methods and numerical optimization |
Referent: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann |
Ansprechpartner: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann; |
Letzte Änderung: | 16/01/2025 |
Thema: | Machine Learning in Particle Physics |
Zusammenfassung: | Multivariate methods of data analysis have been used in particle physics for many years. Current machine learning techniques such as Convolutional Networks (CNN), Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), Normalizing Flows (NFs) and Transformers have recently also entered particle physics. Increased attention is also currently being paid to methods for the systematic investigation of machine learning techniques, collectively known as "Explainable AI/ML". Try out one of the many new possibilities this opens up in your Master's thesis. |
Sie lernen kennen: | Collider physics, machine learning, Python programming |
Referent: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann |
Ansprechpartner: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann |
Letzte Änderung: | 16/01/2025 |
Thema: | Associated ttX Production |
Zusammenfassung: | In the associated production of Higgs bosons and top quark-antiquark pairs, the top Higgs-Yukawa coupling can be directly measured. We observed this process for the first time in 2018 and have recently published updated analysis. To further understand the process and discover possible traces of new physics, we are also investigating the main background processes that look almost like the signal in the detector. These are mainly the associated production of top quarks with additional bottom quarks or Z bosons. Be part of the team investigating top-Yukawa coupling with the full data set from LHC Run 2, determining key background processes with the highest accuracy. |
Sie lernen kennen: | Top-quark and Higgs-boson physics, data analysis, machine learning, Python programming, C++ programming, ROOT |
Referent: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann |
Ansprechpartner: | Prof. Ulrich Husemann |
Letzte Änderung: | 16/01/2025 |
Thema: | B-Tagging: Identifikation von Bottom-Quark-Jets mit modernen Algorithmen |
Zusammenfassung: | Top-Quarks zerfallen fast ausschliesslich unter Abstrahlung eines W-Bosons in ein Bottom-Quark und aufgrund der hohen Masse der Bottom-Quarks koppelt auch das Higgs-Boson bevorzugt an diese. Die möglichst gute Identifizierung von b-Jets, also Jets, die aus der Hadronisierung eines Bottom-Quarks entstehen, ist daher eine zentrale Voraussetzung für Physik-Analysen im Top-Quark- oder Higgs-Boson-Bereich. Moderne Algorithmen können solche Heavy-Flavor-Jets bereits auf Trigger-Level („Level 1“ (L1) und „High Level Trigger“ (HLT)) erkennen und somit die Auswahl der für Top- und Higgs-Physik interessanten Kollisionsereignisse signifikant verbessern. Genauso wichtig wie das Funktionieren dieser Algorithmen ist auch ihre Kalibration sowie das sehr genaue Verständnis ihrer Performanz, um eventuelle systematische Einflüsse in den analysierten Datensätzen mit einbeziehen zu können. In unserer Arbeitsgruppe werden wichtige technische Beiträge zur Entwicklung und Verbesserung der Algorithmen, die von CMS zur Identifikation von b-Jets eingesetzt werden, geleistet. Interessierte können im Rahmen ihrer Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit in diesem Themenfeld mitarbeiten. |
Sie lernen kennen: | C++- und Python-Programmierung, B-Tagging, Top- und Higgs-Physik |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Soureek Mitra |
Letzte Änderung: | 19.05.2022 |
Thema: | Neue Ansätze für die Messung der Top-Quark-Masse bei CMS |
Zusammenfassung: | Auch 25 Jahre nach seiner Entdeckung am Tevatron-Beschleuniger des Fermilab in Chicago hat das Top-Quark nichts von seiner Anziehungskraft verloren. Suchen nach neuer Physik jenseits des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik konnten bisher keine neuen Teilchen oder Wechselwirkungen finden. So rücken Präzisionsmessungen bekannter Teilchen in den Fokus, in der Hoffnung, Abweichungen zu den vorhergesagten Eingeschaften zu entdecken, die auf Beiträge neuer, bisher unbekannter Physik hinweisen. Als schwerstes derzeit bekanntes Elementarteilchen nimmt das Top-Quark eine Sonderrolle im Standardmodell ein. Es zerfällt nahezu instantan, was die Beobachtung eines quasi "nackten" Quarks ermöglicht. Die Masse des Top-Quarks ist bereits sehr genau experimentell bestimmt worden. Wir wollen die Top-Quark-Masse indirekt über die Helizität der im Top-Quark-Zerfall entstehenden W-Bosonen messen und somit eine unabhängige Massenbestimmung vornehmen. Interessierte können im Rahmen ihrer Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit an dieser Analyse mitarbeiten. |
Sie lernen kennen: | C++- und Python-Programmierung, ROOT, Datenanalyse, Top-Physik |
Referent: | Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller |
Ansprechpartner: | Dr. Thorsten Chwalek, Dr. Nils Faltermann |
Letzte Änderung: | 19.05.2022 |