
Bachelorarbeiten zu Computing

Thema:Performance study of NN-Training with data streaming from remote storage
Zusammenfassung: In High Energy Physics, datasets of several hundreds of GB are used for machine learning. Often, these datasets are stored at remote storage servers. Sometimes it is not possible to keep them on the computing machine. It could be an option to stream the data from the remote storage. It is possible to use a cache that keeps the data near the computing resource. That reduces the network traffic and the access latency for the files. The performance during streaming with and without cache should be studied.
Sie lernen kennen:concepts and usage of distributed computing, transfer protocol, and storage/caching software XRootD
Referent:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Ansprechpartner:Dr. Matthias Schnepf
Letzte Änderung:02.02.2025
Thema:Multi-core support for Belle II Grid
Zusammenfassung: Belle II uses a distributed computing infrastructure called Grid. Currently, Belle II supports only one CPU core per application in the Grid. The use of multiple CPU cores would speedup applications and reduce memory footprint. You can improve the Belle II Grid computing by configuring, implementing, and testing the support for multiple CPU cores in the Belle II Grid.
Sie lernen kennen:usage and configuration of the workflow management system DIRAC, Python, bash, Grid computing
Referent:Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Ansprechpartner:Dr. Matthias Schnepf
Letzte Änderung:02.02.2025