News from ETP

Jets auf der Bloch-KugelKIT/ETP
Machine Learning on Quantum Computers enhances High-Energy Physics Analysis

March 24, 2025

Researchers at the ETP, the Imperial College London and Durham University have introduced a new method to encode data from particle collisions on quantum computers.

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CMS-Diagramm: Verhältnis von gemessener zu vorhergesagter Querschnittsabgabe bei 13,6 TeV.CMS
New Measurement of W and Z Bosons Published

March 12, 2025

This new publication marks a milestone in precision cross-section measurements of W and Z production and highlights the exceptional quality of the recorded data.

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Neuronale NetzstrukturCMS
Neural Networks taking systematic uncertainties into account

February 18, 2025

With a brandnew paper ETP has shown, that our neural networks can cope with many non-trivially correlated uncertainties.

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Teilnehmende des GlühweinworkshopsKIT
Glühwein Workshop at KIT

December 16-18, 2024

At the Glühwein workshop at KIT, the latest developments in the field of machine learning and its applications in high-energy physics were discussed.

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Event-Display mit CAT-Algorithmus-Ergebnissen.Belle II
Machine Learning with GNNs Improves Track Reconstruction in Belle II

November 22, 2024

The new CAT Finder algorithm uses artificial intelligence to detect tracks in the central drift chamber of the Belle II experiment.


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Fit an das Massenspektrum.Belle II
Model-independent description of 𝐵→𝐷⁢𝜋⁢ℓ⁢𝜈 decays

November 18, 2024

With KIT participation, a new method has been developed and published that enables more precise analyses of semileptonic B-meson decays.

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Lea Reuter in the Belle II control roomLea Reuter
Belle II resumes data taking after summer shutdown

October 24, 2024
After a scheduled shutdown in the summer, we have successfully resumed data recording at the SuperKEKB accelerator.

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CMS detector moduleS. Maier
Breaking News: First Detector Module for the CMS Experiment Rolls off the Production Line

October 22, 2024
The work in Karlsruhe on the upgrade of the CMS experiment at CERN near Geneva has reached an important milestone today.

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Teilnehmende des KIT am WorkshopMarkus Klute
3rd ECFA workshop on e+e- Higgs, Top, and Electroweak Factories

October 09-11, 2024

Around 200 researchers from all over the world met in Paris to discuss progress on future e+e-Colliders.


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Teilnehmende am FSP MeetingCMS
FSP CMS Meeting at RWTH Aachen

September 25-27, 2024

Around 120 researchers from German CMS groups met in Aachen for the annual FSP meeting.

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Podiumsdiskussion im Informatikom.A. Bramsiepe / KIT
CERN-70 Celebrations at KIT

September, 19-21 2024

The 70th anniversary of the founding of the international research center CERN was celebrated at KIT with a three-day program.

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Stolze Mitglieder des ETP-Teams nach der abgeschlossenen Qualitätskontrolle vor der Messapparatur, mit der die elektrischen Parameter der Sensoren überprüft wurden.KIT
Only the best please! - Quality control on silicon sensors for the CMS experiment

August, 2024

The quality of silicon strip sensors, which are to be used in the CMS experiment in a few years, was tested at ETP.

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Patricia McBride, Frank Hartmann, Jürgen Daul und Elisabetta Gallo.2024 CERN
Beaming award for ZAG

June 25, 2024

ZAG Zyklotron AG, located on Campus North of KIT, operates a proton cyclotron that is used to irradiate detector elements for the CMS experiment.


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Lea Stockmeier erhält den Preis von CMS spokesperson Patricia McBride.2024 CERN
Scouting and integrating - CMS Awards for Karlsruhe doctoral researchers

June 25, 2024

In recognition of their outstanding achievements, Lea Stockmeier and Adelina Lintuluoto, doctoral researchers at the ETP, have been awarded the CMS Collaboration Award 2023.

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Teilnehmende von MPP und KITBelle II Deutschland
Artificial Intelligence for real-time decision making

June 19-20, 2024

Scientists from MPP and KIT met in Karlsruhe to discuss the latest results and future upgrades of the FPGA-based real-time algorithms for the Belle II experiment.

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Bilder der Eröffnung des Reinraums
Detector construction under one roof - ETP clean room inaugurated

June 17, 2024

Prof. Oliver Kraft, Vice President Research and Acting President of KIT, inaugurated the clean room of the Institute of Experimental Particle Physics and the Institute for Astroparticle Physics in a ceremony.

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Teilnehmende vor einem 1:1 Querschnitt des CMS DetektorsKIT
Science&Art@School Karlsruhe: visit to CERN

April 18-20, 2024

Numerous students and high-school students from Karlsruhe area were given the unique opportunity to spend three days at CERN, where they visited the CMS experiment.

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Sally Stefkova with aMock-Up of the Belle II beam-pipe for the new PXD2 detector.Anselm Baur
Sally Stefkova appointed Belle II EWP physics group convenor

April 01, 2024

ETP PostDoc Sally Stefkova has been appointed co-convenor of the "Electroweak Penguin" physics group. The group works with more than 60 physicists on over 20 analyses.

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Teilnehmende der DPG Frühjahrstagung 2024KIT / Daryoush Djavadi
Looking back, looking ahead: DPG Spring Meeting in Karlsruhe

March 04 - 08, 2024

More than 1000 particle physicists met at KIT to discuss current topics in their field. The DPG working group on equal opportunities and the young DPG also participated in the conference program.

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Teilnehmende des DELight-Meetings.DELight
Decoding the Darkness: Scientists gather at KIT to discuss the DELight experiment

February 21, 2024

A scientific meeting was held at the ETP, attended by theoretical and experimental physicists from KIT and the universities of Heidelberg and Freiburg.

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Belle II Kontrollraum zu Beginn der Datennahme 2024Belle II, KEK
The SuperKEKB collider has resumed work

February 20, 2024

Belle II has set itself the goal of discovering new physical phenomena that could be the key to the mystery of the origin of the universe.

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Konturen der Wilson-Koeffizienten, die aus der Neuinterpretation der simulierten B+ → K+ nu anti-nu-Zerfälle unter Annahme des aktuellen Belle II (362 fb-1) und eines zukünftigen Belle II (50 ab-1) Datensatzes gewonnen wurden. arxiv
New re-interpretation method for High Energy Physics

February 13, 2024

With a new method, scientists involving ETP have demonstrated a way to reinterpret standard model measurements in alternative models.

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Teilnehmende der Exkursion.Torben Ferber
CERN Visit

February 01 - 03, 2024

In the semester just ending, students had the opportunity to see the detectors discussed and described in the lectures live on site.


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Dr. Maier, Dr. Brommer und Dr. von CubeKIT
ETP researchers are building next generation of analysis infrastructure for particle physics

December 2023

Benedikt Maier, Junior Group Leader at ETP, has successfully raised KCETA funding to set up a new computing infrastructure.

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Jan van der Linden mit seinem DoktorhutDietmar van der Linden
Doctoral Award for Jan van der Linden

December, 2023

In recognition of his outstanding achievements, Jan van der Linden will be awarded the 2022/2023 edition of the KIT Doctoral Award.

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Vergleich der neuen mit vorherigen MessungenarXiv
Measurement of a rare B meson decay into a K meson and two neutrinos

November, 2023

For the first time, a charged B meson has been detected with the Belle II experiment that decays into a kaon, a neutrino and an antineutrino.

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Im Rahmen von Science&Art@KIT entstandenes KunstwerkHartmut Aichert
Innovative mediation concept at KIT opens doors to science and art

November, 2023

With the "Science&Art@School in Karlsruhe" program, KIT aims to get young people interested in complex topics through an interdisciplinary combination of art and science.

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Artur MonschMarkus Klute
PhD fellowship awarded to Artur Monsch

November, 2023

Artur Monsch has been awarded a PhD scholarship from the state of Baden-Württemberg to support excellent young scientists - congratulations!

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Great interest in the lecture evenings of the "Our Universe" series

October/November 2023

As part of the "Our Universe" lecture series, KCETA invited interested members of the public to lecture evenings at the Natural History Museum.

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Teilnehmende des Blockpraktikums.Artur Monsch
First edition of the “ETP Blockpraktikum: Data Science”

October 09 - 13, 2023

Design a detector and use AI to analyse its signals - that is the challenge students rose to in this first-ever ETP Blockpraktikum.

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Gemessene K-alpha und K-beta Linienarxiv
World leading energy resolution for future dark matter searches

October 12, 2023

A team of scientists from KIT and University Heidelberg have developed a new type of detector, a variant of magnetic microcalorimeters (MMCs).

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ETP Team bei der Hafenrundfahrt.Markus Klute
ETP Team at DESY for German CMS Meeting

October 04 - 06, 2023

The ETP CMS group convened in Hamburg for an intensive three-day meeting with the other German CMS groups.

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ETP Team auf Wanderung.Markus Klute
ETP Wanderlust

October 02, 2023

On this year's bridge day, the ETP team went hiking in and around the picturesque landscape of Bad Herrenalb.

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Deutsche Belle II Gruppen beim Jahrestreffen am KITBelle II
German Belle II groups gather at KIT for their annual meeting

September 25 - 27, 2023

More than 80 researchers from all German universities and research institutes that are members of the Belle II experiment met at KIT.

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Benedikt Maier bei der PreisverleihungCMS
Dr. Benedikt Maier receives CMS Young Researcher Prize

September 19, 2023

Dr. Benedikt Maier from ETP was awarded the Young Researcher Prize of the CMS Collaboration.

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Wissenschaftsjahr 2023DPG
Mysteries of the Universe unveiled in Berlin

August 29, 2023

Prof. Klute gave a public lecture on the secrets of our universe in the Magnus House of the DPG in Berlin as a contribution to the Science Year.

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Zusammenfassungsgrafik aller bisheriger Z Wirkungsquerschnittsmessungen mit dem CMS ExperimentCMS Collaboration
New Measurement on Z Bosons presented at EPS Conference

August 22, 2023

A team from ETP performed the measurement of the cross section of Z boson production at the new LHC center-of-mass energy of 13.6 TeV at the CMS experiment.

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Belle II Vertex DetektorDESY / Marta Mayer
Made in Germany and big in Japan: Pixel detector installed in Belle II experiment

August 03, 2023

The Pixel Vertex Detector (PXD) forms the innermost detector layer of the Belle II experiment. It has now been installed at its destination, the SuperKEKB accelerator in Japan.

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LHC auf der KarteCMS Collaboration
ETP explains on German radio: Fallen tree stops LHC

August 02, 2023

Prof. Dr. Klute clarified the reasons for the current standstill of the LHC in the German radio program SWR2 Impuls.

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Netz-Ausgabewerte für verschiedene Detektorkonfigurationenarxiv
Reconstructing axion-like particles from beam dumps with simulation-based inference

August 02, 2023

KIT researchers have developed a new method to study the properties of a hypothetical particle that could provide information about dark matter and other phenomena.

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Konzept des LUXE-ExperimentsLUXE Kollaboration
LUXE experiment: A new frontier in quantum physics

August 01, 2023

Scientists from the LUXE collaboration have published a Technical Design Report that presents a detailed description of their proposed experiment.

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Prof. Thomas Müller auf der Nathiagali Summer SchoolThomas Müller
Prof. Thomas Müller presents at Nathiagali Summer School

July 20 - 22, 2023
Every year, physicists gather in Nathiagali, Pakistan, for the International Nathiagali Summer School.

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CDC-Event-Display für verschiedene Graph-Building-Ansätze
Graph Building for Microsecond Machine Learning Inference

July 14, 2023

A team of researchers from the KIT have developed a novel method for building graphs on FPGAs for machine learning applications in particle physics experiments in real time

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 ETP Team nach dem Zieleinlauf
ETP Team at KIT championship

July 1, 2023

At the highly anticipated 10 km run of the KIT Championship, several professors, postdocs, and doctoral students from ETP participated.

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ETP Doktoranden bei der Masterclass
CMS Masterclass at Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium

July 29, 2023

PhD students from ETP visited the Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium in Leinfelden to present a CMS Masterclass.

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 Beate Heinemann beim Symposium Markus Klute
Symposium on Discoveries at Hadron Colliders

June 9, 2023

We hosted a symposium featuring renowned speakers from the field of particle physics to honor the illustrious career of Prof. Thomas Mueller for his 70th birthday.

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Graph-ClusterBelle II Kollaboration
Artificial Intelligence Assembles Particles

June 7, 2023

A new artificial intelligence has been developed at ETP that can determine the energies of photons in the Belle II experiment with unprecedented accuracy.

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Mögliche SIgnatur eines Ereignisses mit Dunklem Higgs
First search for long-lived particles at Belle II: Cornering the Dark Higgs

June 5, 2023

For the first time, scientists have used the Belle II experiment at Japan's KEK Research Center to search for long-lived particles.

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Titankeil für den HGCAL DetektorMarkus Klute
Delivered the first titanium wedge for CMS HGCAL

May 31, 2023

ETP successfully delivered the first of 26 titanium wedges to facilitate the mounting of the High-Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) detector in CMS.

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Zusammenfassung der Suchen nach dunkler Materie
Dark Higgs Bosons at Colliders

May 25, 2023

A team of experimental and theoretical physicists from KIT and DESY have summarised the status of the phenomenology and of experimental searches for both light and heavy dark Higgs bosons in a review.

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ETP bei der CHEP2023Tom Dack
ETP at CHEP2023

May 8 - 12, 2023

From High-Performance Computing to Artificial Intelligence: Members of the ETP and SCC participated in the "International Conference on Computing in High Energy And Nuclear Physics" (CHEP).

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Prof. Torben Ferber referiert im ZKM über dunkle MaterieBelina von Krosigk
Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter... Dark Matter at ZKM

April 22/23, 2023

Prof. Torben Ferber from ETP gave a talk on dark matter at the exhibition "Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter." at ZKM.

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Über das Universum, seine kleinsten Teilchen und wie die Forschung ihnen auf die Spur kommen will, sprachen Prof. Markus Klute, Prof. Milada M. Mühlleitner und Prof. Anke-Susanne Müller mit Moderatorin Nicole Krieger (v. l. n. r.) Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
KCETA-Research in Focus at KIT Annual Celebration

April 5, 2023

"Our Universe" is the title of the Science Year 2023 of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Insights into different facets of this theme were provided by KIT's Annual Celebration 2023.

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ETP-Team beim 1. AKPIK DatathonDPG / Zilles 2023
ETP-Team wins 1st AKPIK Datathon

March 19, 2023

In the context of the 83th Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society the 1st Datathon of the Working Group on Physics, Modern IT and Artificial Intelligence (AKPIK) was held.

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Prof. Ulrich Husemann im Triangel Open SpaceBeatrix von Puttkamer
Higgs, Cosmic Rays, and Big Data at TRIANGEL

March 7, 2023

Scientists from ETP discussed the current status of their research with the interested audience at science Tuesday in the Triangel Open Space.

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Frau Prof. Dr. Mühlleitner und Frau Hühn erobern das ETPOlha Lavoryk
Weiberfastnacht at ETP

February 16, 2023

On Thursday February 16 - Weiberfastnacht, the Institute of Experimental Particle Physics experienced an unexpected and exciting takeover as part of a long-standing carnival tradition.

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KIT Belle II Gruppe im SCCAlexander Heidelbach
SCC Visit of the KIT Belle II Group

January 27, 2023

The KIT Belle II group visited the SCC campus north last week. They got a tour through the high-performance computing cluster HoreKa (see picture)  and the Grid computing center GridKa.

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Teilnehmende der Exkursion vor einem Echtgrößenbild des CMS ExperimentsKlaus Rabbertz
CERN vist with students and pupils

January 19/20, 2023

Together with almost 50 students and pupils, ETP visited the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN).

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Tracker-LeiterStefan Maier
CMS Upgrade featured in CERN Courier Article

January 9, 2023

The latest version of the CERN Courier features an article by ETP's Dr. Frank Hartmann, coordinator of the CMS Phase-II upgrade, on this very topic.

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