Science&Art@School Karlsruhe: visit to CERN

April 18-20, 2024
The visit to the CMS experiment was the highlight of the trip for the students.

As part of the Science&Art@School Karlsruhe project, numerous high-school students from Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium Stutensee and Dominikus-Gymnasium Karlsruhe, as well as students from the University of Education Karlsruhe were given the unique opportunity to spend three days at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics near Geneva, where they visited the CMS experiment, the CERN Control Center (CCC) and the Antimatter Factory (AD), among other things, and thus gained a fascinating insight into the world of basic research.

One of the accompanying teachers summarized the visit: "The visit to CERN was a fascinating experience for the students. I was impressed by how detailed and technically differentiated they told their classmates about their insights into the world of particle accelerators in the lesson after their return. Excursions like this offer the young people completely different access than is possible in school lessons."

This excursion was organized by KIT and generously supported by KCETA.

You can find a detailed report here (German).