Beaming award for ZAG

June 25, 2024
2024 CERN
Patricia McBride, Frank Hartmann, Jürgen Daul and Elisbaetta Gallo (v.l.n.r.) at the awarding ceremony.

ZAG Zyklotron AG, located on Campus North of KIT, operates a proton cyclotron that is used to irradiate detector elements for the CMS experiment. These irradiation tests are immensely important to understand the effect of radiation damage in particle physics experiments and to build correspondingly robust detectors. In recognition of the many years of excellent cooperation with the Institute of Experimental Particle Physics to carry out countless irradiation tests, ZAG Zyklotron AG received the CMS Gold Award at CERN on June 25, 2024. Patricia McBride, Spokesperson of the CMS Collaboration, Frank Hartmann, Head of the CMS Upgrade Program, and Elisabetta Galla, Head of CMS Collaboration Board, handed over the award to Jürgen Daul, who represented ZAG.